Dry Frosting Package Box and Shipper Box WHITE RSC CORRUGATED BOX Master Shipper Carton (RSC Style) Final Box Size: OD 11in x 7.5in x 5.5in Holds 6 chipboard cartons 3.5 x 3.5 x 5 Oyster 1 side 32ECT-B or 200# 1 level of 6 boxes (2 rows of 3)
Seal End Bottom/Reclosable Tuck Top (like a cereal box) 3.5in x 3.5in x 5in, 18pt C1S Printed 4 color process plus Aqueous 1 side Die Cut and glue at one side seam – bulk pack flat
Top Tab Lock with glue flaps - Bottom Glue Flaps
Three paper materials 18 pt. Coated 1 Side, WCNNB, Everest, Tango